PASSPORTchoices Group Leader Information 

Welcome to PASSPORTchoices! We are grateful to partner with you and your church for camp, and look forward to seeing you this summer. This page includes important details and information for you and your group.

Click a button below to jump to a section:


  • Make ALL Registration Changes by May 1 (Final Payment Deadline)
    Request 3X or 4X T-shirts, modify your registrant numbers, update any group or individual information, and pre-order optional items as available.
  • Note any Special Attention requests as soon as you are able
    Alert us by completing the Special Attention box in your group’s registration of any dietary, housing, or Bible Study-affecting requests in advance. With advance notice, our campuses can handle most special dietary needs.
  • Download promotional materials to get your campers excited for camp!
  • Host a parent and camp planning meeting (1-3 months prior to camp)
    o See Camp Planning Meeting document (in the resources section below) for ideas!
    o Share the Parent Essentials & Camp Packing List (in the resources section below), so parents know what to expect.
    o Have parents complete PASSPORT’s Medical Release Form (see your link in email)
    o Determine if your group will submit any acts for the Variety Show!
    o Plan your group’s costumes for the Dance
    o Prepare parents for Digital Sabbath at camp (See Preparing Adults tab)


PAYMENTS: You may add to your registration anytime if there is still space. All payments are non-refundable; therefore, all drops result in the forfeiture of prior payments. The final balance is due by check or credit card (with added 2.9% processing fee) by May 1. Access registration any time at

VISITORS AT CAMP: Notify us in writing ( prior to May 1 about any guests at camp – a pastor visit or an underage child at camp. Ministers are welcome to visit while you’re at camp as long as they are included in the screening certificate and Passport is notified by May 1. Pricing for meals and overnight guests varies by location. Underage children or babies may attend as long as space allows and someone is available to supervise them during camp programming. Please call to discuss guidelines, waivers, and any applicable fees with our team.

See full registration policies here: If you have any questions about registration, please call us at 1-800-769-0210 or email


Scholarships are available for churches to assist students in their congregation who demonstrate significant financial need to help make attending camp a reality for them. The application is open until April 5th. Applications received after the deadline may be considered with any funds remaining. For more information and to fill out an application, visit



Opening Day

2:00 pm Check-In

5:00 pm Dinner

6:30 pm Opening Celebration

7:30 pm Opening Night Bible Study / Adult Orientation

9:00 pm Vespers

11:00 pm Lights Out


Day 1

8:00 am Breakfast & Morning Devotions

9:30 am Morning Celebration

10:15 am Youth Bible Study / Adult Meeting

11:30 am Lunch

1:00 pm Choice Time

3:00 pm Free Time

5:00 pm Dinner

6:30 pm Rec Party

8:30 pm Evening Worship

11:00 pm Lights Out


Day 2

8:00 am Breakfast & Morning Devotions

9:30 am Morning Celebration

10:15 am Youth Bible Study / Adult Meeting

11:30 am Lunch

1:00 pm Choice Time

3:00 pm Free Time 

5:00 pm Dinner

6:30 pm Evening Worship

8:30 pm Dance Party

9:30 pm Church Group Devotions

11:00 pm Lights Out


Day 3

8:00 am Breakfast & Morning Devotions

9:30 am Morning Celebration

10:15 am Youth Bible Study / Adult Meeting

11:30 am Lunch

1:00 pm Choice Time

3:00 pm Worship

4:00 pm Church Group Free Time

11:00 pm Lights Out


Day 4

8:00 am Breakfast & Morning Devotions

9:30 am Morning Celebration

10:15 am Youth Bible Study / Adult Meeting

11:30 am Lunch

1:00 pm Choice Time

3:00 pm Free Time

5:00 pm Dinner

6:30 pm Evening Worship

7:30 pm Church Group Devotions

9:00 pm PASSPORT Variety Show

11:00 pm Lights Out


Closing Day

8:00 am Breakfast / Checkout / Morning Devotions

9:15 am Closing Day Bible Study / Adult Evaluations

10:15 am Closing Celebration

11:00 am Saying “Goodbyes”

CAMP THEME: Wide Open Spaces


[God] stood me up in wide-open spaces; I stood there saved—surprised to be loved! Psalm 18:19a (CEB), 18:19b (MSG)

Day 1—Space to WELCOME
Day 2—Space to WONDER
Day 3—Space to ACT
Day 4—Space to DANCE


Youth Camp Parties

Night 1 – Passport’s Field Day Rec Party
Join us in the wide open spaces for PASSPORT’s 2025 Field Day Rec Party. Passport’s going back to school this summer to play all your favorite field day games but with a few twists and turns! Grab your closed-toe shoes, wear your Bible Study group colors (Red, Green, or Blue), and don’t forget to have fun!

Night 2 – Cosmic Cow Neon Glow Dance Party
Do you want to know what it looks like for a cow to get pulled into space by a UFO? Come hang out and dance the night away at PASSPORT’s 2025 Cosmic Cow Neon Glow Dance party, and you might just find out what we are talking about! Costume Ideas may include bright neon colors, cows, or your best alien/space costume.

Night 3 – Church Group Free Night
Half way through the week of camp, enjoy a free night with your church group! Plan an off-campus evening or afternoon events, dinner, and devotion. Need inspiration or ideas for what your group could do? Check out the Free Night Activity Ideas document below.

Night 4 – PASSPORT Open Mic Night
Join us for a night under the cafe lights at PASSPORT’s Open Mic Night Variety Show. Campers are invited to showcase their many talents at this Coffeehouse-inspired chill, laid-back Variety Show. Campers who wish to participate must perform their act in costume at the Variety Show Screenings on Day Two during Free Time. Group acts will be given top priority.


Choice Courses

Students will select a first, second, and third Choice option during Camp Check-In. Our staff will do their best to accommodate first or second Choices. Adult chaperones will also have the opportunity to select Choices.

Common Threads
Immerse yourself in different cultures, religions, and parts of the world and discover the threads we all have in common.

Color Palette
Art can be an effective expression of your faith. Come paint, draw, and work in mixed media. You’ll investigate how visual arts can impact a worship setting by creating and sharing about your art on the last night of worship.

Curtain Call
The drama of Scripture and the drama that fills our everyday lives are not without meaning and purpose. Participants in Curtain Call will explore the power of drama in expressing one’s self, shaping others’ souls, and following Christ in community.

Game Face
Like to play sports? Then Game Face is for you. You’ll play Soccer, Basketball, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, and more. In daily conversation breaks, you will discuss important topics like teamwork, fairness, leadership, and persistence helping you put on your best game face.

Grace Notes
Engage your creative senses through lyrics, music, and authentic worship experiences. Mentored by worship leaders, you’ll have the opportunity to lead in worship.

Put feet to your faith by investing in the lives of others, especially in your community. You’ll participate in a mission project that allows you to minister to senior adults, care for children, or make someone’s home safe again.

Victory Lap
You did it, Senior! After taking that victory lap, it’s time to prepare yourself for the responsibilities ahead as you forge your way into adulthood – balancing a budget, finding a church, being a good neighbor, and learning to manage your time. You’ll be challenged to make space for hearing the voice of God in the midst of life’s transitions.

World Play
Do you dream of far-off adventures? Come visit far corners of the globe by learning how to play games from around the world. Master the basics skills of Oshikura Manju, Kabadi or Las Cebollitas while discovering something new about the people and the place you might one day explore in person.

Youth Bible Study

Every day at PASSPORTchoices, your campers will be sharing in Bible Study Groups. PASSPORT staff will balance groups with campers from other groups; this allows for fresh ideas and perspectives to flourish, as well as for campers to see the larger family of God.

  • Please be sure EVERY camper comes to Bible Study with their own Bible, passport, and a writing utensil.
  • If you have any special requests, you can let us know in our registration system or at check-in, and we will do our best to accommodate you.
  • We welcome an adult from your group to shadow a student who may require extra support or attention.
  • Groups will be age-divided into 6-8th grade groups and 9th-12th grade groups. In this way, camp allows for developmentally age-appropriate conversations. While the studies are the same for both groups, some questions will be changed to allow for each age group to engage with the material in a more targeted way.

Mission Offering

An aging population and a low birth rate have led to a steadily decreasing Japanese population. Immigrant workers are needed to help sustain the Japanese economy. We will learn about the work of CBF Field Personnel Carson and Laura Foushee who believe the Church can become a place to welcome foreign residents who now call Japan home.

Free Time Options

CHANGE THIS YEAR: In our over-programmed world, true free time is scarce! This year at Passport, we will experience the freedom of Wide Open Spaces. We’ll have a designated meet up spot and a variety of supplies available for campers (board games, crafts, sports equipment, etc.). Start a pickup game of Ultimate Frisbee, make a friendship bracelet, sit and have that conversation with a friend, or just take a walk and enjoy a quiet moment.


Two weeks before camp
Two weeks before camp check-in, each church’s Group Leader will receive an email reminder submit their Rooming & T-Shirt Form.

  • Review our Safe Harbor Policy (in the Adults at Camp tab) and plan your rooming prior to arrival.
  • Requests for private rooms may incur an additional room fee and can only be fulfilled if space is available.
  • Once the Passport National Office receives your group’s form, we will begin making room assignments and further preparations to welcome your group at camp.

Group Leaders can also prepare in other ways:

  • Confirm Medical Release forms have been completed for all group members (you will receive an email with a PDF version of each form as it is submitted).
  • Ensure you have completed background checks on each adult in the past 3 years and prepare the Chaperone Screening Certificate to submit at check-in (paper form; signatures required)


Check-In is from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

As you pull out of the church parking lot, please have an adult call or text (205) 588-6904 to let the camp staff know of any changes to your group’s counts, rooming lists, or shirt sizes.

The Check-In location is indicated on the campus map. Look for Passport flags on campus and staff to welcome you. Make sure you have your check-in forms ready when you arrive.

If you are running late: please call the camp office at (205) 588-6904 during check-in hours and let them know when to expect you. If we have all your final numbers, we will be ready for you when you arrive. Late groups may be asked to wait until the end of the Opening Celebration to complete the Check-In process and move in.

At Check-In you will receive:
• Room keys (lost key fees may apply)
• Passports (serves as camp guidebook, meal ticket, & campus ID)
• Printed instructions & resources to get you through the first day (for you and your chaperones)
• Theme t-shirts (based on the sizes you request in the Rooming & T-Shirt Form – wear these to Opening Celebration)

The Group Leader is the lead chaperone, responsible for the camp registration and participants. 

GROUP LEADER PACKING LIST – In addition to the camp packing list items (in Resources Section Below), Group Leaders should bring:

  • All Required Check-In Forms
  • A container to store collected cell phones
  • A backpack or duffel bag to carry supplies around campus with you
  • Pens and pencils for your group
  • Supplies for your Church Group Devotions (will be in the Resources Section below in the Spring)
  • Portable First Aid kit for minor injuries
  • A supply of medication for headaches or (motion) sickness, as allowed by your church
  • Insect repellent and sunscreen
  • Cooler(s) for snacks and bottled water
  • Fans for stuffy dorm rooms or white noise
  • Trash bags for general group use and individual rooms or covering seats
  • Laundry detergent and quarters for coin-operated laundry machines (if needed)
  • Sensory care items for your campers as needed
  • Paper towels, tissues, and Lysol

DO NOT BRING: Firecrackers; extra shaving cream; water balloons; tobacco products/vapes; illegal drugs; alcohol; weapons, etc.

Please note: Churches will be held responsible for property damage and/or cleanup costs incurred.

Students may not bring clothing, hats, flags, posters, or other room decorations that could be seen as divisive, inflammatory, or offensive by others.

Chaperones must be at least 20 years old at camp and be one year past their high school graduation. All chaperones driving vehicles at camp must be at least 21 years old. The chaperone-to-camper ratio in each group must be at least one chaperone per six campers of the same gender. Please share the chaperone handout (in resources section below) with them prior to coming to camp.


Church vehicles are needed for transporting your youth from campus to their mission projects. If you are flying, taking the train, or chartering a bus, you must have transportation at camp. For those chartering a bus, those buses will take groups to mission projects. Be sure to set up those times with your charter service. In addition to transporting youth, you will be carrying supplies in your vehicles, possibly including ladders. You may wish to bring supplies to protect your seats in the case of students getting dirty on mission sites.

The Passport staff will arrange for a variety of supplies for campers to engage in games and crafts during Free Time, but they will not lead or supervise the youth during this time. To avoid any behavior that undermines the safety and overall experience of campers, adults should be a supervising presence during this time. Adults should know where their campers are and what they are doing during the free time hours. 

Passport requires a background check to be completed for every adult attending camp. Any official statewide background check that you have conducted within the past three years is acceptable (a yearly check is required for Texas). A ministerial staff member of your church must sign the certificate to be presented when your group arrives at camp for Check-In.

Passport Inc.’s Rooming Policy regarding Adult/Minor Rooming requires that an adult cannot sleep in the same room alone with a minor unless that adult is the parent or legal guardian of the minor. In lodging where there are multiple beds, we will arrange for at least two adults who are not married or related to stay with multiple minors as space allows. This may occasionally necessitate placing more than one group in an apartment or dorm suite. If there are separate bedrooms, an adult will be given their own room or may share with another adult.

In the event that your group’s policy is stricter than this, Passport, Inc. will follow your policy to the best of our ability. Special rooming requests may require additional payment based on single room costs from our host facilities. Please email your request to us at

We ask your campers to turn their cell phones and other digital devices over to the Group Leader before the Opening Night of camp. Devices may be returned on the final morning of camp. We believe that your campers will be surprised at how much they benefit from being disconnected. Some Group Leaders choose to allow limited windows of time every few days to “call home.” This is up to you. Though we do not recommend this, we will allow it at long as campers do not have devices at any other time and their phones are only used in their dorm.

The Digital Sabbath will be easier on your students if they see all Group Leaders and chaperones restraining their use of devices as well. We understand that there will be moments adults may need to use their phones for purposes other than taking photos. We ask that adults use their phones out of the sight of campers whenever feasible. Adults are permitted to have cell phones and other electronic devices, though wireless availability varies by campus, and we ask that you use them with discretion. Camp events may not be streamed live.

To help us enforce this rule: talk openly about this Digital Sabbath with your parents, as sometimes the parents want that daily connectedness to their students. Assure parents that they will be quickly notified and be able to speak to their students if there is an emergency.


Campers and adults should dress appropriately—as defined by the camper’s parent/guardian and church Group Leader—the entire week of camp. Please consider these guidelines, as the Group Leaders are responsible to monitor their own group’s clothing:

  • No clothing with inappropriate language or advertising is allowed.
  • Clothing should not make fun of, belittle, or demean another person or culture.
  • Shirts with sleeves & closed-toe tennis shoes are required for Missions Projects.
  • Bring some clothes that can get messy and closed-toe shoes for Rec Party and other various games or activities.
  • Both one-piece and two-piece bathing suits are allowed at camp.


  • Participate fully in the camp schedule.
  • Stay in my room after curfew.
  • Stay on campus unless I have permission to leave.
  • Do not enter someone else’s room or cabin.
  • Participate in a Digital Sabbath by not using personal electronic devices.
  • Have fun!

This week at PASSPORT, we will be a community who cares for everyone. We will speak and act with kindness and respect to each person we meet.

Forms to Bring to Check-In

Prior to departure you will be asked to complete the Rooming & T-Shirt Form to begin your check-in at home.

The following documents will be requested in paper form when you arrive at check-in.

Medical Release Form

Passport uses a secure online platform for Medical and Photo Release Forms.


  • An email will be sent from with a unique link for your church. Note: this link will be specific to your youth or kids program registrations.
  • Send the link to your chaperones and camper parents/guardians, or have everyone fill it out at an informational meeting. Ask parents to bring their medical insurance information and doctor’s address so they can complete the form.
  • Group Leaders and the person completing the form will receive an emailed pdf version of the form once it’s been completed.
  • Keep track of who on your roster has completed their form using these emails. We suggest moving forms to a dedicated folder you can easily return to later.
  • If anyone in your group arrives at camp without a completed Medical Release Form, they will not be allowed to participate in camp activities until a completed Medical Release Form is submitted online.

Still have questions? Please send us an email with your specific questions at

Since the Beginning:


Mission Hours

Discipleship Hours


Passport, Inc

3421 Sierra Drive

Birmingham, AL 35216
