PASSPORTchoices Information
Thank you for agreeing to serve as an adult chaperone with your group this summer! Please see Chaperone Expectations and PASSPORT Glossary of Terms for useful information to prepare you for your role at camp.
PASSPORTmissions Information
Thank you for agreeing to serve as an adult chaperone with your group this summer! Please see Chaperone Expectations and PASSPORT Glossary of Terms for useful information to prepare you for your role at camp.
Packing Lists by Location
- Berea College Packing List
- Eastern Mennonite University Packing List
- McMurry University Packing List
- Mississippi Delta Community College Packing List
Campus-Required Check-In Forms
PASSPORTkids Information
Thank you for agreeing to serve as an adult chaperone with your group this summer. Please see Chaperone Expectations and the PASSPORTkids Glossary of Terms for useful information to prepare you for your role at camp.
Packing Lists by Location
- Berea College Packing List
- Camp Bob Cooper Packing List
- Eagle Eyrie University Packing List
- Glen Lake Camp Packing List
- Montreat Assembly Packing List
- Pfeiffer University Packing List
- Rock Eagle 4-H Center Packing List