You show me the path of life.
In your presence there is fullness of joy.
Psalm 16:11a NRSV
Conversations about faith are important, and our faith is something worth celebrating! This summer is a great opportunity to celebrate the joy your family can experience by spending intentional time together. To help make joyful experiences, we invite you to create a joy jar! If you’d like to print the resource, click here.
Keep the conversation going May 6-12, 2024, with a special week of devotions about Joy at
Joy Jar
Find a Mason Jar (or something similar), pens, crayons, and other things to decorate with. This will become your Joy Jar!
Print a few copies of the joy strips and cut them out.
Gather your family to decorate the Joy Jar and strips of paper.
As you decorate, ask questions like:
Where does joy come from?
What is the difference between joy and happiness?
How do you find joy on hard days?
Read Psalm 16:11. How does God’s presence give us joy?
Discuss activities that bring each family member joy. You’re going to pick activities to put in your Joy Jar. For it to be included, at least two family members should agree on an activity that brings them joy.
Once you agree on an activity, write that on one half of the strip.
Place the strips in the Joy Jar. Over the summer, pull out one strip each week and do that activity together!
Once a week, ask:
1. Where did you find joy this week?
2. Where are you hoping to find joy in the week ahead?
3. Read Psalm 16:11. How is God’s presence giving you joy right now?
For Extra Joy
Use your weekly joy strips to create a banner. Hang a piece of string in a common space in your home. As you complete an activity, fold the strip in half and hang it over the string. (You can staple, glue, or tape it into place). At the end of the summer you will have a banner full of joyful memories!
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