Conversations about faith are important! Below are three ways your family can talk about faith this Thanksgiving season, if you’d like to print them click here. Pick the one(s) that fit your family best. Remember to have fun!

Keep the conversation going November 20-26, with a special week of devotions about thankfulness on

Thankfulness Nature Walk

Take a walk as a family with a notebook and pen to consider the following:

  • Look around – what are you most thankful for in God’s creation?
  • Have everyone choose one item that reminds them of God’s creation (a leaf, a rock, an acorn, etc.) and share why they chose it.
  • Choose a quiet place to take a rest. Write or draw what you are thankful for as you sit in God’s creation.

Leaves of Thanks

Gather some small branches and place them in a vase.

  • Cut out leaves using fall-colored construction paper.
  • Each day this week, have everyone write what they are thankful for on a leaf and attach it to the branches.
  • One time this week, ask these questions about thankfulness and gratitude:
    • Where have you sensed God this week?
    • Who is someone we should say “thank you” to more often?
    • Voice a prayer of gratitude to God.

Love Your Neighbor Leaf Cookies

Using leaf-shaped cookie cutters and your favorite recipe, bake cookies together as a family.

  • Decide who you want to share these cookies with!
  • While the cookies are baking, consider the following:
    • Talk about how to show gratitude to others around you.
    • Create a card to deliver with the cookies. Write or draw why you are thankful for them.
    • Pray over the cookies and thank God for your friends and neighbors.

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