Puerto Rico  Stateside Churches

July 21-25  • Monday – Friday • $498  

This cross-cultural, bi-lingual week of camp is created with Puerto Rican students in mind as they welcome stateside youth groups to join them on their island.

Students who have camped with us before will recognize the theme and daily schedule, but they will hear and experience everything in both Spanish and English. Everyone is invited to lean into some familiar and some brand new styles of worship from traditions in the states and from the island of Puerto Rico.

Camp will be held in a retreat center in the mountains of Puerto Rico.

  • Air-conditioned facilities in worship space only
  • Multiple bunks in each room with a shared hall bath
  • No access to coin laundry facilities
  • No accommodation for food allergies
  • Swimming pool TBD
  • Modest shorts and swimsuits required

Housing: Non air-conditioned rooms with multiple bunk beds and very little storage space. Bring Twin sheets. No blanket needed.

PASSPORT Camps Youth Christian Discipleship Camp

Beautiful camp in the mountains

Participants will spend the week at a retreat center in the mountains of Puerto Rico.


Dining options at PASSPORT Youth Camp For Church Groups

Plan to stay longer

As your travel plans allow, this session leaves room for Stateside groups to visit local churches and beaches on the weekend.

PASSPORT Youth Church Camp Sports Time

Is this a Mission Trip?

While we are planning to offer opportunities for every student to leave campus at least one afternoon of camp, the larger missions conversation is a cross-cultural one. We will be exploring what it means to be the family of God (La Familia de Dios) together through language and music, food and fun. Stateside youth will also need to lean on our Puerto Rican friends to translate for us on the mission sites!

Things to know:

+ Because we are reserving half of the space for students from Puerto Rico, capacity for stateside churches is, by design, limited!!

+ Transportation in Puerto Rico is the responsibility of each group via rented vehicles.

+ Experienced drivers are mandatory.

+ Plan to come early or stay over the weekend to attend a local church.

+ Churches depart after Closing Celebration at 11:00 am.

+ At all of our youth programs, PASSPORT asks students to participate in a digital sabbath to fully-invest in camp activities and to focus solely on Christ and community. However we may choose to allow some phone use as needed for translation between campers. Stay tuned.

+ Wheelchair access could be possible. Call or email us for clarification.

+ Allergies are not easily accommodated.

Passport, Inc

3421 Sierra Drive

Birmingham, AL 35216

