Did you know that every time you order your groceries, a rainbow loom replacement kit, canned unicorn meat, or 1,500 live lady bugs on Amazon, that you can help a child go to camp? Well, now you do!

The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of your order to PASSPORT.

Here’s what you need to do (don’t worry, it is super easy):

1) Use this link to purchase all of your Black Friday goodies on Amazon smile: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/61-1267261. It is already set up to donate to PASSPORT! See how easy that is?


You can set up a permanent AmazonSmile account so that you never forget to donate to PASSPORT!

1) Go to smile.amazon.com

2) Input PASSPORT in the ‘pick your own charitable organization’ box and then click “search.”

3) Once you’ve searched, you’ll get a list of results and we will be at the top of that list. Click “Select” next to Passport Inc.


4) Bookmark smile.amazon.com and use it for all of your future Amazon purchases. It has 99% of everything Amazon.com does!

5) Once you place your order, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of your order to PASSPORT!