The bus ride to and from PASSPORT is as much a part of the camp experience as . Whether your ride is thirty minutes or six hours, why not start (or extend) the Revolution on the bus!

1) Learn the theme song before you get to camp! 

For the first time ever, we’re releasing a professionally-recorded version of the theme song before camp. You can purchase the theme song preformed by Carter Harrell, who is serving as the Bible Study Leader at PASSPORTchoices this summer, and an instrumental version for sale. We encourage you to take this opportunity to learn the theme song with your group before camp and to relive all the Revolution fun after you leave camp.

Below is a preview of the song!


2) Do you want a DubSmash Revolution?

While at camp, PASSPORT asks students to participate in a digital Sabbath to encourage them to be fully present emotionally, mentally, and physically. But for most groups, the bus is a great time for kids to engage their friends with bus-selfies, silly snapchats and the newest video app silliness – DubSmash! The DubSmash app lets users record video selfies for a few seconds while lip-syncing to audio clips stored in its library. This year PASSPORT is having a Smash-off contest where your students or your whole group can DubSmash any part of ‘Revolution’ by Kirk Franklin & post it to Facebook or Instagram, tag PASSPORT and use this summer’s hashtag #passportrev.

To show you how it’s done, here’s PASSPORTkids! bible study leader, Spencer Ridgeway:

3) Jam out to the Electric Avenue playlist ! 

Our Electric Avenue dance party Spotify playlist is perfect for the bus whether you want to relive all of the camp dance or you want to get into a 80’s mood in preparation for the dance! Totally Rad, right?