This is my commandment; love each other just as I have loved you.
John 15:12 CEB

To celebrate Valentine’s Day, this is an activity to help your family think about how to love each other. It’s a game called “Family BINGO LOVE,” and there’s a prize for showing the most love! If you’d like to print this page, click here.

Keep the conversation going February 5-11, with a special week of devotions on love at


Bingo Love

  • Print the attached Bingo card and hang it up on your refrigerator where everyone can see it, and gather a different colored marker for each person.

  • Read John 15:12 and ask questions like: What does love look like? Is loving each other easy?

  • Explain the rules: When someone completes an activity, they mark their initials on that square. More than one person can complete each activity, and multiple winners are encouraged! The goal is to get bingo (diagonal, horizontal, vertical).

Explain the 16 tasks to help everyone understand.

Check in over meals to see how everyone is feeling as tasks are completed.

Bingo? Yell “Bingo Love!” You get to pick a family acitivity! (Trip to ice cream, game night, adopt a goldfish, Five Below trip, etc.

While celebrating, take a picture as a family and post it to your social media. Tag @passportcamps in the post and use the hashtag #LovingFamilies. Passport will select 10 winners to receive an Amazon Give card!

Each time your family celebrates a win, discuss a few of these questions:

  • Name an activity you might do again when there is no reward, and tell why.
  • How has our home been different since playing BINGO LOVE?
  • Why do you think Jesus commanded us to love each other just as Jesus loves us?
  • Pray with your family: Dear God, thank you for our loving family. May we take these practices and make them a part of our lives, and may we share your love with everyone we encounter. Amen.

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Passport, Inc

3421 Sierra Drive

Birmingham, AL 35216
